Taste Wing Species

 Taste Wing is an ISO 22000/2019 certified Indian home-made premium spice brand based out of the taste destination of the country – Uttar Pradesh. We manufacture an array of home-made premium quality spices that range from immunity Booster Mixes, Ground & Blended Spices to Natural Salts.

  • Blessed by the ancient science of Ayurveda, each of our research and quality assured spices, are a unique blend of both taste and health. Every offering of our handcrafted spice mix offers the goodness of wholesome taste that spices up your everyday food, while offering a range of health benefits from boosting metabolism, fighting inflammatory bacteria, lowering blood pressure and increasing in blood circulations.
  • Helmed by the passion & vision of Mrs. Shweta Sharma, the creators of Taste Wing spices are driven home-maker women folk from many houses of XXXX village in Uttar Pradesh. As a community, when we set out on this journey of becoming India’s leading spice makers, we pledged to offer each consumer using our products, the best premium natural spices without harmful colour or preservatives. We guarantee using only 100% natural and pure ingredients that assures quality, premium taste and long lasting shelf life. Back home the mantra followed by each Taste Wing spice maker is ‘’QUALITY BEFORE  QUANTITY’’.
  • Growing by the day, we stand here proud and happy with the overwhelming response to our fast growing consumer pool.  And this has been possible only because of our customer’s continuous support and love to the brand.
  • Regards, in today’s modern times, it is a little difficult to take care of health, the rush goes on from morning to evening. Our daily diet is the driver of our health. If he is adulterated then he is going to be sick. Spices don’t only give taste to food but they also take good care of our health. TastingWing offers a range of spices that will make every dish special. These are immunity booster spices based on the concept of Ayurveda. You must use spices everyday in some form. I sincerely request you to try testing once. My challenge is that you will like it. Health and taste together.

Aim Of Taste Wing

  • Taste Wing aims to offer the best of both worlds – TASTE AND HEALTH – to every Home Makers, Chef / Cook’s kitchen in the country. Assuring to making cooking easier, we wish to help every once cook tasty, healthy & immunity boosting food for their families & clients.
  • Additionally, India is a combination of different cultures & taste pallets, and keeping this diversity in mind, Taste Wing offers a wide range of home-made premium blended spices that caters to every form of diverse Indian cuisines.


  • To create a place for Taste Wing premium home-made spices in every Indian household kitchen.

Taste Wing Spices

आज के आधुनिक समय में सेहत का ध्यान रख पाना थोड़ा कठिन है, सुबह से शाम तक भागदौड़ चलती रहती है। हमारा दैनिक आहार ही हमारे सेहत का सारथी है ।अगर वो ही मिलावट वाला है तो बिमारी होनी ही है।मसाले सिर्फ खाने को स्वाद ही नहीं देते अपितु हमारी सेहत का भी भरपूर ख्याल रखते हैं। टेस्टविंग मसालों की एक ऐसी रेंज दे रहा है जो आपके हर व्यंजन को विषेश बनेयेगा।ये आयुर्वेद की संकल्पना पर आधारित इम्यूनिटी बूस्टर मसाले हैं। आप हर रोज मसालों का किसी न किसी रुप में इस्तेमाल अवश्य करते हैं। मेरा आपसे सादर अनुरोध है कि बस एकबार टेस्टविंग इस्तेमाल करके अवश्य देखें। मेरा चैलेंज है ये आपको बेहद पसंद आयेगा । सेहत और स्वाद दोनों एक साथ ।

We cater for a wide range of customers, offering many specialist products e.g. Chicken masala , Mutton Masala etc

Our Mission

We look forward to bringing you the best quality and variety of organic and healthy products either online or from our friendly team at our Taste wing Store.

Satisfied Clients
Awards Won
Premium Quality Awards